Whales Anime & Comic Con
An Anime and Comic-Con is a convention or a social event where people with a craze for Manga (Japanese-Comics) or Comic Book Super-Heroes and Anime (Japanese animated series) come together at a single venue to interact and freely express their love, and/or obsession, for the realms of fantasy with each other. Expression comes in many forms, the strongest one being ‘cosplaying’. COSTUME and PLAYING two words made one by geeks above and beyond. Cosplaying is when you dress up as favorite character from an Anime, movie, TV show, cartoon etc. Whether that character is a HERO, VILLIAN, PROTAGONIST or ANTAGONIST - it doesn’t matter. You can’t simply look the part; you have to play it as well, by ACTING like the character you’ve dressed up as. Anything is acceptable, a pose, a signature dialog, speech imitation etc. In any Con you will find these cosplayers (people who cosplay) in hordes and some are very dedicated to the craft. Decorations for a Con are necessary for it to be successful. In the WACC (Whales Anime and Comic-Con), nearly fifty panaflexes and a dozen standees relating to SUPER-HEROES, ANIME CHARACTERS and K-POP (Korean pop culture) were hung and placed, WHALES even went the extra mile to set up multiple fan-favorite attractions like photo booths, comic and manga stalls, K-POP stalls, and even a dedicated props stall. Events like these require a lot of attention and it’s never easy, since it takes a lot of time and energy to get everything together. The WACC started off with a really long line of students trying to enter, so it was a rush from the get goes, and as the numbers grew at an unprecedented rate, things really livened up. Mortal Kombat and FIFA were immensely popular to the extent that game rooms and the auditorium were getting crowded. Photo sessions in the booths lasted to no end, selfies were clicking here and there, the cameramen covering the event were struggling to keep up with the rabid fans who wanted video and/or photoshots, Fan arts were being drawn furiously, gamers were raging at their losses, accusations of cheating got only more prevalent as the event progressed, and celebrating gamers were boasting with pride putting off any insults with amazing skills, and comebacks. Even the card game tournament of Duel Masters was heating up, with players being neck and neck with each other; a lot of points were scored and tallied intensely. K-POP fans were the life of the party, their enthusiasm really got the attention of everyone in the Con and people went along with them, every next song got louder and was met with even louder cheers, each fan competing to be even more louder than the last, there was just no end to the HYPE of THE WHALES ANIME and COMIC-CON.
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con
Whales Anime & Comic Con